Thursday 25 – Only Seven

We awoke to pouring rain and cool temps around 10 or 50 degrees. Not awful, yet less than ideal particularly with our route on Highway 17. We ate a good breakfast, courtesy of Sue, and folks decided their plans. Most opted out, yet seven of us chose to ride.
We had some breaks from the rain, where we could catch a few views. Otherwise we rode pretty fast, taking necessary breaks a couple of times, and pushing through to get off the road.

Our first sag break was at a wonderful hunting & fishing style general store. The proprietor was delightful, very happy to share local background. I had noted strong evidence of a forest fire in years past where the road had sometimes served as the fire break, sometimes not. He had some photos from the inferno that was now 21 years ago. He was delightful to chat with. I love soaking up the local experience.

Our next stop was outright funny, good relief on a soggy riding day.

Several of us observed that the truckers were giving us even more space or slowing down before reaching us than they had before. If, as I watched in my rear-view mirror and up front, I might be in a truck sandwich, the trucker behind would sometimes now give a communicative beep, even before I voluntarily hit the gravel shoulder. Clearly the tragic news had spread. Even before the accident we had learned the utmost respect for almost all the truckers. They do their best to give us wide berths. Trouble is we don’t know which is the exception.
On to Marathon, a hot shower, dry clothes and into the drying out ritual. Our hotel was a bit out from the centre of town, as is often the case. Many of us went to town for lunch, although sadly my later group found the best restaurant closed. Eating at the mall coffee shop worked. They even had real French fries, of which I ate my normal year’s quota with no problem. My appetite continues on overdrive. Sue worked magic in the trailer kitchen once more. All were happy to commandeer the hotel breakfast space to eat supper as it was cold with pouring rain again.
Today’s ride: Base ride: 56 miles. My ride: 56 miles

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